You can find Kuuma Breda at the Havenkwartier on the waterfront at Pier15. Come by and enjoy the view and a dive in the fresh water. Make your sauna experience even more fun with a bite or drink at Pier15. Please note: Pier15 is closed on Mondays.
1 person / 75 minutes / €15
Book a place and start or end your day with a refreshing dive and a relaxing sauna session! You share the sauna with a maximum of 5 others.
max 8 persons / 1,5 hour / from €100
Book the entire sauna together with your friends for 1,5 hours. Enjoy the view, relax, sweat and catch up and take a refreshing dive. Grab a drink at Pier15 after your session!
Kuuma Nederland B.V. | | T: +31 85 047 0159 | Emergency: +31 850041155 | KVK: 87013010 | Terms of use | Privacy Policy